Your financial information, such as your bank statements, business invoices, bills, tax returns and so on, is a very important part of your life that should never fall into the wrong hands. Everybody is used to not leaving paper bills and statements lying around, but a lot of people still underestimate the dangers of cyber crime. And that’s a big mistake, especially if you use your computer to do online banking and store electronic copies of your financial records.
Why You Should Protect Your Financial Records
People’s financial data and bank account numbers are the ultimate goal of almost every cyber criminal. Viruses, malware, keyloggers and other computer infections usually have one purpose – to grant the criminal access to your financial information. This information is then either used by the criminal himself, or sold to a third party. Definitely not something you’d want to happen to you or anyone in your family. That’s why you should protect your electronic financial records in the same way as you protect your paper statements, if not more. (more…)