Posts Tagged ‘file shredder’

What Is the Best Way to Use a File Shredder?

Friday, January 18th, 2013

how to use a file shredderIf you store documents  that contain private information on your computer, then you need to make sure they are well protected.Usually your antivirus software will do the main part of the job. However, it’s always good to add an extra layer of protection and encrypt your bank statements, tax returns and similar documents. This will protect your existing files. But what about your deleted files? They are still there and can be recovered by anyone who has access to your computer, external hard drive or USB thumb drive. If used properly, a file shredding application will help you prevent your confidential information from ever being recovered. Here are some file shredder usage tips that will help you keep your private information really private.

Choosing a File Shredder

There are a lot of different file shredder apps that you can download online. All of them claim to protect your privacy, but quite a few of them lack some essential features. When you are looking for a file shredder, you should make sure that: (more…)

What Is a File Shredder?

Friday, November 16th, 2012

If you go to any software download website, you will see a whole load of various file shredder programs in the “Security” category. But what exactly are file shredders and how do they work? Let’s find out.

What is a software file shredder?

Basically, a file shredder is a software program that is designed to securely delete computer files, so that they can’t be recovered, e.g. shred them. “But how is it possible to shred a file?” you might think. Well, naturally a software file shredder doesn’t work as a traditional paper shredder. But the essence of what it does is very similar – it deletes documents and other files beyond repair. (more…)

How to Delete Files Permanently

Thursday, October 4th, 2012

how to delete files permanentlyEven if you are not a secret agent, you may have some very good reasons to delete some files beyond recovery. Because when you hit the Delete key to delete your old tax return or your old PDF credit card statement, the actual file doesn’t get erased. So, if you don’t want important stuff to linger on your hard drive after you’ve supposedly deleted it, use some file wiping software.

File Wiper – software to permanently delete files

Everybody knows that when you hit Delete on your keyboard, the file you are erasing is moved to the Recycle Bin. And when you press Shift+Delete, the file bypasses the Bin is supposedly gone for good. But it can still be recovered – you can check it out yourself by simply downloading free file recovery software. You will be amazed how many of your deleted files can be restored in the blink of an eye. Sometimes this is very useful. But if you think of it, it’s actually scary. Just imagine what can happen if you sell your computer and all your deleted financial documents are recovered by someone? Or if your laptop gets stolen – even if you use encryption software to protect important files, deleted files can be restored by anyone. (more…)